Over the years at Madrona Financial Services, we have helped hundreds of clients achieve their financial goals by providing unbiased financial advice. We have a dedicated team of individuals whose goal is to help families and their loved ones protect their assets and estates to help provide financial peace of mind. Check out some of our useful guides below, and donā€™t forget to request your complimentary, no-obligation financial review!

Retirement & Inflation
What To Know And How To Prepare

We saw increased government spending due to COVID, and will likely see more in the next few years, leading to more debt. Some economists theorize that this could lead to increased inflation, in the short-term, or the long-term. You may have already realized higher prices on the items you buy every week and be wondering if weā€™ll see the high inflation of the 1970s again. If youā€™re nearing or in retirement, you need to protect yourself from the eroding effects of inflation, even if it never rises to the level it did during the 1970s.

Your Guide to Real Estate
Investment Options, Tax Planning, & Exit Strategies

From 1953 to 2020, the median home price in America increased from $177,046 to $300,986, adjusted for inflation. Considering this level of appreciation and steadily rising rental prices, owning real estate can have its benefits. But, investing in real estate is quite different from owning or selling a first home in terms of risk, taxation, and upkeep. If youā€™re looking to invest in real estate or already do, know the ins and outs as well as your eventual exit strategy if you donā€™t want to be a landlord forever.

5 Steps to Successful Retirement Planning
Finding Success with Your Retirement Plan

Itā€™s a New Year, and thatā€™s something to celebrate! This year is the year for a renewed focus on planning and preparation in the five key areas of retirement planning. These are the building blocks of any solid retirement plan, and this guide will detail each one. Whether 2021 is the year when you retire or not, itā€™s the year to create a truly comprehensive retirement plan that addresses each of these areas.

Age 5 to 55
What Your Kids Need to Know about Finances

You taught your kids how to tie their shoes, to look both ways before crossing the street, and countless other lessons. But what have you taught them about money? Many parents may feel uncomfortable talking about the subject with their children, no matter how old they are. But, there are important lessons to teach your children about finances at any age.

Social Security: 2021 EDITION
Maximizing Social Security in Todayā€™s World

About 65 million Americans received a total of over one trillion dollars in Social Security payments in 2020. Many Americans rely primarily on Social Security in retirement, and even if you donā€™t, you still want to know how to claim your maximum benefit.

5 Helpful Tax Planning Tips Guide
Navigating the New Rules

After a tumultuous 2020, the 2021 tax season could be complicated and confusing: The CARES Act could affect your tax situation this year, as could any changes to your personal finances in the last year. There are many factors that can impact whether your taxes will increase. In addition to changes to your tax bracket and deductions, (such as the number of dependents), there are other aspects of your overall tax strategy to address.

The End Of The Year Guide
Your End Of Year Checklist

Here come the holidays and everything that goes with them ā€“ traveling, cooking, buying gifts, and of course, spending time with the people we love. Your holidays might look a bit different this year and so might your financial situation. Even though itā€™s a busy time of year when finances can end up taking a back seat to decorating and wrapping presents, itā€™s important to take the time to make an end of year financial checklist.

America Reopens
What Does it Mean for Your Retirement Plan?

After a long period of social distancing, Americans are slowly emerging from their homes. While the COVID-19 pandemic has negatively impacted many Americans, thereā€™s no reason why you canā€™t make a plan to help get your finances on track and ready for the future.

Market Volatility in the New Age
Donā€™t Let the Health Crisis Become a Wealth Crisis for You in Retirement

Planning for retirement is never a ā€œset it and forget itā€ activity: There are unexpected disasters, market drops, and changing laws that invariable cause retirees to reevaluate their plans of action. Thereā€™s no way to predict everything that will cause market downturns, but you can prepare yourself by having a solid financial plan in place.

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