
There’s always a moment of disbelief when something we rely on stops working. Often times, it’s something we take for granted, like turning on a light switch and expecting the lights to come on. The other day, during my normal routine, I walked into the garage and got in my car to head to the office. Everything was ready to go, except my car. After turning the key and not getting the expected result, I had one of those moments of disbelief where things did not go as planned.

My first thought was that it was a mistake; my car isn’t that old and is maintained regularly according to schedule. So, I did what any intelligent person would do, I turned the key a few more times and achieved exactly the same result. What’s that old saying again about insanity, doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result? Well, call me certifiable because that’s exactly what I did for a few minutes.

Of course I tried to self-diagnose the problem, the lights worked, the radio worked, and the horn worked, so I thought it couldn’t be the battery. Since cars today have slightly more computing power than the Apollo 11 rocket NASA sent into space, I quickly realized I was out of my depth. So out came the flatbed and a pleasant ride to the dealership with the tow truck driver.

By the way, it did end up being the battery, but that’s not really the point of the story. The lesson here is that things happen, often unexpectedly. It’s not realistic to think that issues affecting the normal flow of life won’t arise from time-to- time. It’s really about how you deal with these situations, and how the support system around you can make all the difference in the world.

Without knowing who to call and where to turn for help, my car situation would have been a lot more stressful, but thankfully I had a plan in place. In financial planning we deal with fluid markets and the variables of an ever-changing world. A solid plan must account for the unexpected, this is your nest-egg we’re talking about and it has to last the rest of your life. There are many decisions to be made and it takes constant vigilance to make sure your plan adapts well to changes.

If you’re wondering whether or not your retirement strategy is preparing you for when things don’t go as planned, then don’t hesitate to schedule a financial review with us. And, if you Click HERE you can instantly download our book, “Prosperous Revelations” free of cost with your review.

When it comes to planning for your retirement, you may have more questions than answers, and that’s why we offer complimentary, no obligation financial reviews. This meeting is about you and understanding what’s important in your life. Once that’s established we can start designing a plan to help you achieve your retirement goals. You’ll have a dedicated team ready to answer questions and provide support when things don’t go as planned.

Remember, life is full of surprises, but the outcome of your retirement shouldn’t be. With proper planning and the right team by your side, you’ll be well prepared for those unexpected events.