You Don’t Have To Go At It Alone In Retirement

A great saying to live by is, “experience is the best teacher.” There are a few different takes on this saying, and it’s true on so many fronts, mainly because we learn way more from actually doing something than just reading about it. The problem is that until we do something for the first time, we have no experience with it. Just remember, in whatever you plan on doing, you don’t have to go at it alone, especially in your retirement planning.

Being inexperienced isn’t really a big deal when it comes to something small, like changing a light bulb. However, it becomes a much bigger issue when dealing with more complex things, like attempting to rewire your entire house. That’s not something most of us would even consider taking on, not only because of the knowledge required but more so due to the inherit dangers of getting it wrong. Along those lines, what if you had to make a series of decisions on something you had no experience with that would impact the rest of your life? Would you feel comfortable doing that?

That’s exactly the position people face when it comes to planning for retirement. And yet many people who would never take on the role of master electrician decide to make life altering decisions without the experience of being a professional investment advisor. This isn’t a criticism of do-it-yourselfers at all, it’s great to tackle projects on your own and we strongly encourage people to be active participants in their financial planning. Where it gets concerning is when someone with no retirement planning experience makes life-altering decisions without the guidance of a qualified financial professional. In some instances, a wrong selection on a form could be very costly to correct, or even worse, irreversible.

Even as experienced retirement planners it still takes a full-time commitment to keep up on all of the new tax laws, health care laws, investment products, changing Social Security regulations, and ever-changing market conditions to stay on top of all the variables that make up a retirement plan. To get a better sense of the entire planning process, Click HERE to schedule your complimentary financial review! We’ll explain the thought and work that goes into designing a comprehensive retirement plan.

Many people think it’s all about the numbers, but we spend as much time talking about your lifestyle goals as anything else. There’s so much more to consider than just picking investments since we are planning for the next 30 years or more of your life. I urge you to take advantage of our complimentary financial review even if you are a do-it-yourselfer. You’ll leave with a better understanding of the numerous variables you need to consider during the planning process. Remember, planning for the next 30 years or more of your life is an enormous responsibility and one you don’t have to do alone.