Mentors Play an Important Role

If you were lucky, you had a mentor early in your career. A role model may have been someone to look up to, but a mentor invested his or her time and knowledge in your development. A mentor is someone who has traveled the path before you and offers guidance on similar...

When Giving Definitely Feels Good!

Giving away your tax liability doesnā€™t feel good, it feels great! Personally, I serve on several charitable boards for organizations that do phenomenal things in our community. I have found that being a CPA, or a ā€œwalking calculator,ā€ is a skill that boards of...

Step On Up

Though I like to step up on the dance floor with my version of the Sprinkler, Churning Butter, and other assorted moves designed to embarrass my wife and kids, thatā€™s not what this topic is about. The step up in basis is one of the least understood topics we deal with...

The holidays are a wonderful time for personal finance

The holidays bring family together and for some it might be the only time they see each other over the course of a year. You tend to notice changes in people a lot more when you havenā€™t seen them for a period of time. At family gatherings, if youā€™re lucky, you may...