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Thank you for contacting Madrona Financial Services! If you need immediate assistance, please feel free to call 1-844-Madrona during normal business hours. Please click HERE to get started by creating your Madrona Financial Services secured personal account to help us...

Aging in Place

Many homeowners age 50 and older say that they want to “age in place,” but the reality is that many homes were not built to accommodate the needs of older people. If you want to remain in your house during your golden years, you may need to do some home remodeling....

Continue Earning Income During Retirement

Retirement doesn’t have to be the “end all, be all” of earning a steady paycheck. In fact, retirement could be the start of doing something that you’ve always wanted to do and now, get paid for doing it. While some people continue to work because they need the income...

12 Tips for Tax Season

As the 2016 tax filing deadline approaches now’s an excellent time to review your current tax planning strategies to ensure they’re still meeting your needs and to develop plans for 2017. It’s also a good time to take advantage of planning opportunities that could...

Take Control of Your 401(k) Rollover

Often times, 401(k) plans are filled with poor investment decisions and high fees. And, depending on the company you work for, you might not have been given the proper information needed to carefully evaluate your 401(k) options. Rolling your 401(k) type balances out...