I Want it Now!

In the movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, one of the Golden Ticket winners touring the Chocolate Factory was Veruca Salt, heiress to the Salt nut fortune and a real brat. When Veruca doesn’t get what she wants immediately, she acts out until she finally...

When Giving Definitely Feels Good!

Giving away your tax liability doesn’t feel good, it feels great! Personally, I serve on several charitable boards for organizations that do phenomenal things in our community. I have found that being a CPA, or a “walking calculator,” is a skill that boards of...

Have Your Cake and Eat It Too!

You hate paying taxes, but you like helping people, and you have the means to do so. What to do? Consider my conversation with the Pessimistic Pat. Me: “Pat, I have a win-win for you.” Pat: “Go on.” Me: “You have that piece of land that only produces a property tax...