Coronavirus Correction

The events over the last few weeks remind us that no one can predict the ups and downs of the stock market. While there’s abundant information out there to reference so you can make informed decisions, there’s also a lot of conflicting advice. Some argue for “timing...

Preparing for a Bear Market

Between the trade war heating up, and the recent market volatility, there’s no telling what kind of market we’re heading into. After enjoying a 10 year long bull market, there could be rougher times ahead in the near future, or down the road after you’re retired. Many...

Beware of Sequence of Returns Risk

Times of market volatility are never pleasant, but they pose a particular threat to you as you near and enter retirement. The state of the market just before you retire can impact your returns throughout your entire retirement. This is because once someone takes...

Strategies to Help Survive Volatile Markets

A volatile market can make anyone nervous, but it can be especially nerve-wracking for retirees and soon-to-be retirees who are concerned about protecting their nest egg for the long-term. And, one thing will always hold true: No one can predict the market’s ups and...

Don’t Try Timing the Markets

Historically, the market has acted just like a child on an escalator with a yo-yo. While the yo-yo goes up and down, the market as viewed over a long period of time has continued to trend upward. It is important to focus on time in the market rather than market...