Travel in Retirement Without Overspending

So you want to become a world traveler in retirement, but you’re also a responsible person who knows they need to support themselves for the next 30 years. You can take advantage of your newfound free time in retirement and rethink your destinations to maximize value....

Your Tax Burden in Retirement

Even in retirement, taxes are a guarantee. Your Social Security benefit, capital gains, and retirement account distributions can all be taxed, leaving you with less retirement income than you planned on receiving. Your tax burden is important to consider when planning...

Travel Opportunities for 2019

You’ve saved for retirement and made good investments, so why shouldn’t one of your New Year’s resolution be to take a trip, or start planning a post-retirement vacation? Many people are still very physically active in retirement, so biking and hiking can be great...

Wrapping Up 2018

While it’s easy to get caught up in the holiday spirit, running out to grab last minute gifts, baking dozens of gingerbread men and trimming your tree, don’t forget about your retirement plan. The end of the year is an important time for retires, and there’s a few...

Financially Savvy Gift Ideas

When you’re young, you can get away with handing out cards drawn with colorful crayons as your go-to gift, but when you get older, your shopping list grows, and you have to learn how to stretch your budget. As we age, we have more and more relatives and friends that...