An Active Retirement

We’ve all heard that exercise is good for us, but what about as we get older? Over the course of a career spent working countless hours and long nights, we may have gotten somewhat out of shape. We might think it’s too late to get back into shape by the time we’re...

What is Your Desired Retirement Lifestyle?

Even though finances are important, life isn’t just about money. Rather than have your finances dictate your retirement lifestyle, your retirement lifestyle can help dictate how you plan for your finances. After all, two people with similar amounts of money could have...

Spending Your Free Time in Retirement

If you’re planning on taking a vacation, it’s probably something that you’ve looked forward to for a while now. And, that’s what retirement is about… It’s your 30 or more year vacation. Whether you’re traveling, volunteering, taking up new hobbies, or relaxing with...

Lifestyle Tips to Consider for Retirement

You’ve worked the majority of your life, and deserve to have many blissful years ahead. With a proper plan and execution strategy in place, you should be on-track to accomplish all of your retirement goals and dreams. If it’s been a little while since your last...

4 Phases in Retirement

Everyone talks a lot about how to prepare for retirement financially, but there is less focus on how to adjust your mindset in retirement and manage expectations. You might not be happy every single day in retirement, but that doesn’t mean your retirement won’t be...