4 Retirement Lifestyle Predictions

Do you think your retirement will look exactly like your parent’s retirement? The answer is probably “no,” and hopefully, it’s “it will look even better.” Retirement is changing, and it’s important to think about what you want...

Looking Forward to Summer and Retirement

If you’re planning on taking a vacation, it’s probably something that you’ve looked forward to for a while now. Maybe you haven’t traveled much since before the pandemic and want to this summer, or maybe you’ve recently retired and just want to relax and enjoy your...

Is a Big Retirement Move Right for You?

Some people dream about retiring and jetting off to a tropical location to start a new life. In reality, the majority of people, when asked if they want to stay in their house once they retire, say yes. According to an AARP Report, 87% of people aged 65 or older think...

The Benefits of Gardening

Fall is harvest time. Pumpkins, squash, and apples fill grocery stores, and if you have a garden, your own produce might be ready to pick. Of course, not everyone has a garden – gardening can be too time-consuming for people who work full-time or travel frequently....