Restore Your Retirement Strategy

The arrival of summer means it’s time for one of my favorite weekend past times, going to classic car shows. Cars are usually displayed in pristine condition and look like they just rolled off the factory floor. They didn’t start out that way; it’s...

Try to be Debt Free at Retirement

Too many people today enter retirement with high, non-mortgage debt. Do you know your current, total debt-to-income ratio? That’s more of a question for your trusted financial advisor, but an important question to answer nonetheless. While you likely have a 401(k) or...

It’s About Time to Put Away Your Watch

There was a time in our lives when we didn’t wear watches. We played hard and went to school, but weren’t bound by tight schedules. We were kids and had to live by our parent’s rules, but it was easily the freest time of our lives. We didn’t worry about money and what...

Not Preparing For Risk Can Be Risky

So far this spring, there has been some extreme weather around the country. From blizzards in the Rocky Mountains to historic levels of flooding in Houston, the real headaches come after the storms move out. Homeowners are left to deal with the aftermath of everything...