Retirement Tips as You Age

As you inch closer to life in retirement, or continue with retired life, there are many things that can be done to keep your overall retirement strategy in-place. Here are a few retirement tips to think about as you age. If you still have dependents at home, a term...

Stay Focused on Your Retirement Goals

When working toward building and executing a successful retirement plan, it is important to stay focused on your personal goals for life in retirement. Have you ever pursued something to such an extreme level that you lost sight of the original goal? The other day I...

Fall Into Retirement Planning

Fall is here and it’s one of my favorite seasons to be outdoors. The leaves put on a show as they change their colors and the brisk fall air feels invigorating. While I’m always a little sad to say goodbye to summer, fall is the kickoff to many of my favorite things....

Is Your Home a Retirement Asset?

More often than not, people’s homes are their most valuable asset. And, in retirement your home can play a significant factor in your overall planning strategy. It may be advantageous for you to refinance your mortgage loan prior to retirement. Depending on your...

Satisfy Your Expectations for Retirement

It’s amazing how closely our expectations of something can dictate how pleased we are with it. Whether it’s a service, product, or experience, your initial level of expectation will play a big role in your overall satisfaction. So what can you do to make sure your...