Seeking Help is a Sign of Strength

Have you ever heard the term: The three most powerful words are “I Don’t Know”? Well technically it’s more like four words, and I could also probably think of some other more powerful three-word combinations, but that’s not the point. The point is that for some...

Watch Out for Small Leaks in Your Retirement Plan

If I told you that your basement was filling up with water, what would you do? Would you shrug your shoulders and say no big deal as long as it’s out of sight? Or would you leap into action, find the source of the problem, and stop the water from flowing? I’m sure...

Maximize Your Leisure Time in Retirement

It’s not surprising that, according to the American Time Use Survey, retirees enjoy 7-8 hours of leisure time per day. Your newfound free time in retirement is equivalent to a traditional workday in the office. Only, you might be able to squeeze in a few more naps and...

Get In Tune with Your Retirement

  Are you a musician, or ever wanted to become one? Maybe you took guitar lessons when you were young, and fell in love with the feeling of striking a perfect chord. Maybe as a teenager, you let out your anger by banging away on a drum set. Or maybe in college,...