Things to Love About Retirement

There’s a lot of things to love about working. You can love your job, your coworkers, and even the daily routine that a standard 9-to-5 job offers. The feeling of work is safe for most people. After over 35 years, you most likely know what you’re doing and you’re...

Start Your Retirement Off on the Right Foot

Retirement planning can be stressful because there are a lot of things to keep track of. One of the steps that often gets overlooked is announcing to your employer that you are going to retire. This may require writing a letter to explain your plans and goals for the...

Should You Make a Retirement Move?

Some people dream about retiring and jetting off to a tropical location to start a new life. In reality, the majority of people when asked if they want to stay in their house once they retire, say yes. According to an AARP Report, 87% of people aged 65 or older think...

Playing Retirement Catch Up

Retirement planning shouldn’t start when you turn 65. In fact, the earlier you start planning, the better. Unfortunately, most people hold off on thinking about it as long as possible. If you’re in your 50’s, now is a good time to catch up on the years you might have...