Retirement Expectation vs. Reality

When most people envision retirement, positive images start forming. We picture spending days lounging on the beach or practicing our favorite hobbies, we envision having free time to spend with friends and taking the grandkids on countless adventures. But it’s...

Prepare Your Legacy for Your Loved Ones

When you look back at the nest egg you’ve accumulated over your working years, you are faced with a few tough questions. How much money should you spend in retirement? How much money should you set aside for your loved ones? Do you have a comprehensive estate and...

Rules of Retirement to Consider

We’ve followed rules our whole lives. Whether it was listening to your teacher when they instructed you to raise your hand before speaking, your parents rule of looking both ways before you cross the street or being taught to stop at a red light when you finally learn...

Prepare for Retirement Surprises

Some people love surprises and some people hate them, but one thing’s for sure, retirement will be filled with them. You spent the past 35 or more years working full time in an office, getting used to the routine of a 9-to-5. However, a lot will change once you leave...

Catching a Retirement Curveball

As I’m sure we have all learned by now, life is unpredictable. Life throws you curveballs, and sometimes those curveballs might affect your retirement plans. But, by staying ahead of the game and being prepared, you can help to secure your retirement plans no matter...