Retirement the Machiavellian Way

When someone says “Machiavellian,” you might think of a lying schemer, a power-hungry politician, or ruthless individual who believes the ends justify the means. But this characterization isn’t quite fair to the political philosopher Niccolo Machiavelli. He gave...

Are You Ready for Endless Summer?

It’s time to start planning your summer, and whether you’re going to laze around on the beach, visit friends, or take a trip, it’s important to also start thinking about your retirement plan. On average, we spend more time every year planning for vacations than...

What is a Phased Retirement Program?

Some look forward to their last day of work, some are disappointed to leave coworkers and a purposeful career, and others are somewhere in between. There are many things to love about retirement, like the freedom to travel, spend time with family and friends, and just...

Life in 2050

2050 seems like a long time away, but 2019 seemed far away in 1989. Back then, did you think a cell phone would fit into your pocket? Or that you could shout at Alexa to order you more paper towels without getting off the couch? Technology has transformed the way that...