How to Change Your Habits

We’ve all heard the saying, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” but is it true? Maybe it is for dogs, but not for people. You can always learn new habits, no matter what age you are. It starts with understanding how the brain works and building on...

Can You Be Forever Young?

In a landmark “Counterclockwise” study at Harvard University,[1] a group of men in their 70s went to a retreat locale that was a sort of time machine back to 1959. The participants listened to Perry Como, watched Ed Sullivan, read magazines from the ’50s,...

Do We Live In An Ageist Society?

America has an aging population, and many of our most successful individuals are middle-aged or older. Yet, there seems to be evidence of widespread ageism. Sometimes it can be seen in a seemingly benign birthday card depicting age as something to laugh at or feel bad...

Age Does Come Before Beauty

Despite the fact that America has an aging population, there is ample evidence of ageism happening around us. The way we perceive older adults can limit our roles in society as we age and a pervasive negative view of aging can have a psychological impact on us....

Wise Words About Aging

Our culture is very youth-focused, but we all instinctively feel reverence for people who have experienced much and gained wisdom from their long years. A positive attitude towards aging can go a long way towards finding happiness in retirement by giving us something...