The Benefits of Gardening

Fall is harvest time. Pumpkins, squash, and apples fill grocery stores, and if you have a garden, your own produce might be ready to pick. Of course, not everyone has a garden – gardening can be too time-consuming for people who work full-time or travel frequently....

Three Things to Scrap In Retirement

Successful people are ambitious and disciplined. They set big goals and focus on achieving them over the course of a long career or a lifetime. Many people also have high-flying goals for their personal life– run a marathon, hike Mt. Everest, etc. There are people who...

3 Ways Life Could Be Different In 2050

2050 seems like a long time away, but 2019 seemed far away in 1989. Back then, did you think a cell phone would fit into your pocket? Or that you could shout at Alexa to order you more paper towels without getting off the couch? Technology has transformed the way that...

Get Active and Stay Active

We’ve all heard that exercise is good for us, but it can be hard to commit to when our normal routines are disrupted. Over the course of a career spent working countless hours and long nights, we may have gotten somewhat out of shape, and this trend is likely to...