Create Your Own Blue Zone in 2021

Did you know that there are places in the world where there is an unusually high number of people living into their 90’s and even 100’s? These populations are known for maintaining good health well into old age and are called “blue zones.” It’s not that they have...

4 Reasons to Be Optimistic About 2021

You might have a lot to look forward to in the 2020s. First of all, 2020 is over! Maybe your children will graduate from college, maybe you’ll become a grandparent, and maybe you’ll retire. The whole world also has a lot to look forward to in 2021, mostly the vaccine...

What’s Your New Year’s Resolution?

Many make them, and few keep them. New Year’s resolutions can be a great way to trade in bad habits for good ones but can also feel more like a burden than a blessing. Some people take on too grand a goal to realistically keep up with through the year. Others may...

Gifts For Those Who Don’t Need Anything

You could say that the law of diminishing returns applies to Christmas gifts as we age: As time goes on, we can use less and less material gifts. At a certain point, we accumulate so many possessions that when we say “I don’t need anything for...