3 Way to Improve Aging At Home

It’s easy to fall into the trap of following a script when it comes to retirement, especially if you’re unsure of how to create your own plan. This “script” can dictate a retirement age, lifestyle, and even important financial decisions. For example,...

3 Reasons to Love Aging This Valentine’s Day

This Valentine’s Day, you may see many commercials for jewelry, flowers, and nice dinners geared towards a younger crowd. Older Americans are underrepresented in media, despite holding a significant amount of wealth and buying power. And although you might not...

You Don’t Have to Downsize to Declutter

If your nest isn’t as full as it once was, or you have more time on your hands in retirement, consider decluttering. Even if downsizing in the near future isn’t part of your desired retirement lifestyle, having less clutter in your living space and better organizing...

Queen Elizabeth’s Best Practices

At almost 95 years old, Queen Elizabeth II works a full week and carries out more public engagements than many of the younger royals.[1] How does she maintain her energy in her old age and manage to accomplish so much? Being royalty doesn’t make you super-human, but...

3 At Home Work-Outs

You don’t necessarily have to spend a fortune to create a home gym if your gym is closed. We might think it’s too late to get back into shape by the time we’re retired or pointless to carve out time for physical activity, but this isn’t true. Incorporating more...