Rekindle Your Friendships in Retirement

Summer is right around the corner, and you may be making plans. After the isolation of COVID, many of us are excited to get back to traveling, seeing family, and visiting friends. One of the best things about retirement is the free time – in some ways, it’s like a...

Is a Big Retirement Move Right for You?

Some people dream about retiring and jetting off to a tropical location to start a new life. In reality, the majority of people, when asked if they want to stay in their house once they retire, say yes. According to an AARP Report, 87% of people aged 65 or older think...

Age Does Come Before Beauty

Despite the fact that America has an aging population, there is ample evidence of ageism happening around us. The way we perceive older adults can limit our roles in society as we age and a pervasive negative view of aging can have a psychological impact on us....

How Could Life Be Different in 2050?

2050 seems like a long time away, but 2021 seemed far away in 1991. Back then, did you think a cell phone would fit into your pocket? Or that you could shout at Alexa to order you more paper towels without getting off the couch? Technology has transformed how we live...