4 Valentine’s Day Tips

Happy Valentine’s Day! Whether this is your first with your significant other or your 50th, there are always new ways to celebrate. Although Americans will spend about $27.4 billion this Valentine’s Day[1], there’s no reason why a great Valentine’s Day activity can’t...

4 Predictions About 2020 that Didn’t Come True

Not only are we entering a new year, but a new decade! You might have a lot to look forward to in the coming decade: Maybe your children will graduate from college, maybe you’ll become a grandparent, and maybe you’ll retire. We’ll also probably see some significant...

3 Tips for Traveling During the Holidays

“I’m traveling for the holidays.” Just those words can make blood pressures rise. Gridlock traffic, delayed flights, and crowded train stations come to mind. Add in high travel costs and making a trip during the holidays seems like a downright bad idea. But there’s a...

Alternative Gift ideas

You could say that the law of diminishing returns applies to Christmas gifts as we age: As time goes on, we can use less and less material gifts. At a certain point we accumulate so many possessions that when we say “I don’t need anything for Christmas” we really mean...