Step On Up

Though I like to step up on the dance floor with my version of the Sprinkler, Churning Butter, and other assorted moves designed to embarrass my wife and kids, that’s not what this topic is about. The step up in basis is one of the least understood topics we deal with...

Give Better

Your financial plan focuses not only on the resources available to you during your lifetime, but also involves what you leave for future generations. We use the term “legacy planning” to encompass both generational transfer and planned charitable giving. You’ve worked...

Love That New Financial Review Smell!

There’s nothing like that new car smell. Even if you’re not a certified car-nut, getting a new car is an exciting event. It doesn’t matter what age you are; the thrill of a new car never gets old. There are so many vehicle choices available by various manufacturers...

The Only Constant Is Change

Do you remember that saying, “the only constant is change?” Well, it could use some updating. If I were to make an adjustment to that saying, it would go something like this: The only constant is that change will happen faster and faster.” It’s amazing how fast the...