I Want it Now!

In the movie Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, one of the Golden Ticket winners touring the Chocolate Factory was Veruca Salt, heiress to the Salt nut fortune and a real brat. When Veruca doesn’t get what she wants immediately, she acts out until she finally...

Is it Time for a Portfolio Remodel?

Sometimes I enjoy watching those home remodeling shows on cable. Apparently I’m not the only one since there are at least a dozen of them running at any time. The part I like the most is when they show the before and after pictures of the rooms they remodeled because...

Raoul, the Pool Boy

Catchy title, but the real topic is “Credit Shelter Trusts: How to Pass Assets to Your Family and Not to Somebody Else’s Family.” Here is the situation. You’ve worked your whole life and you have kids with your wife of many years. You are a pretty smart guy so you do...

How to Ruin Your Grandkids with One Sentence

The most ruinous sentence? Leave them money that is all theirs when they turn 18. Let’s say Grandpa has a fairly sizable estate and knows how hard it is for young people starting out. In his will, he splits $1 million between his five young grandchildren. He doesn’t...