A Day to Never Be Forgotten

Fifteen years ago on 9/11 our world changed forever. There’s not a person I know who doesn’t remember exactly where they were when the news broke. Much has been written about those events and we all deal with it in our own way. It’s a time of remembrance for those...

Choose Your Financial Team

When choosing a financial advisor, it is important to consider selecting an advisor that has the resources to answer all of your income tax, estate tax, trust and legacy questions. Bring together a team of three experts: Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Financial...

Relationships Built on Trust

When selecting a financial advisor to work with, it is important that your advisor is someone that you can trust. Building and maintaining the relationship with your trusted advisor can be extremely valuable. If you currently work with an advisor, make certain they...

Do You Have Too Many Eggs In One Basket?

Try to imagine that you’re holding one pencil in your hand. Now, try to snap it. It may take a little effort, but it’s relatively easy to break just one pencil. Now, repeat this exercise with 30 pencils in your hand. The effort required to break this stack of pencils...

Got Debt? Pay Extra on the Highest Rate Loans First

An avalanche is a mass of snow, ice, and rocks falling rapidly down a mountainside. A “debt” avalanche is a method used to minimize your overall interest payments. When using this method, you can pay each of your debt’s minimum monthly payments and devote the rest of...