Be Aware of 401(k) Fees

Do you know how much you’re paying in 401(k) fees? Or that you’re being charged fees at all? According to a TD Ameritrade Survey, 27% of participants didn’t know how much they were paying. And, 37% of those surveyed didn’t know they were charged fees at all. This...

Age Can Have Its Benefits

We typically don’t think of the word “aging” as having a positive connotation. It may bring to mind graying hairs, aching backs, and slowing down. But these things don’t always have to be true, and they don’t necessarily tell the whole story when it comes to getting...

Put Your Money to Work

You’ve worked for your money, and retirement is the time to have your money work for you. But what does this mean? Basically, your goal in retirement should be to turn what you’ve saved into retirement income. Many Americans are worried about running out of money,...

Covering Long-Term Care Costs

Some of the major expenses you’ll need to anticipate in retirement are your healthcare costs. There are many choices to make when it comes to choosing a Medicare plan, using an HSA, and qualifying for Medicaid. One healthcare cost that is easy, but possibly...