Who Gets the Cactus Plant?

I’m not imaginative enough to make the next one up. It really happened. An elderly mom had three children and all were very close. Indeed, the three sons lived with Mom into their sixties. Yes, the four of them lived together most of their lives, and that’s not even...

Raoul, the Pool Boy

Catchy title, but the real topic is “Credit Shelter Trusts: How to Pass Assets to Your Family and Not to Somebody Else’s Family.” Here is the situation. You’ve worked your whole life and you have kids with your wife of many years. You are a pretty smart guy so you do...

Grandma, Please Don’t Give Me Your House!

Certain activities such as dentistry, tattooing and estate planning should usually be hired out to someone qualified and not performed at home. Few people know enough to do their own estate planning. One of my clients consulted with Grandma to gift her real estate...

Give Better

Your financial plan focuses not only on the resources available to you during your lifetime, but also involves what you leave for future generations. We use the term “legacy planning” to encompass both generational transfer and planned charitable giving. You’ve worked...