Estate Planning 101

Did you know that Baby Boomers will pass down an estimated $68 trillion in wealth in the coming decades?[1] You’ve worked hard for your money and likely want to see it passed down in the most efficient way possible for your loved one’s benefit. Unfortunately, costly...

3 Things to Keep in Mind When Estate Planning

Estate planning is an important part of retirement planning for many reasons: You’ve worked hard for your money and want to see your children and grandchildren benefit. And, you want to see it passed down in the most efficient way possible. Unfortunately, costly...

Estate Planning for Your Loved Ones

An estate plan is like a car; it requires regular maintenance, and may need parts replaced as it ages. Some experts recommend reviewing your estate plan every three years, or after a major life event. You may need to update your estate plan to reflect the changes to...

How to Pass on a Retirement Account

Estate planning is complicated: The fair decision may not actually be the most practical one. What does this mean? It means that even if you divide up your estate equally between your beneficiaries, they could get hit with unequal tax burdens. So, good estate planning...