Solving Your Retirement Puzzle

Have you ever been totally stumped by a puzzle or brain-teaser? Maybe that’s why we’re impressed by people who can solve a Rubix Cube in seconds, or finish a thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle, or do the Sunday crossword puzzle in pen. Who doesn’t wish that challenging...

Don’t Forget Your Retirement Planning Basics

In the olden days, retirement planning used to be much easier. You worked hard and for long enough to be eligible for a pension, saved a little along the way, and were well taken care of by the government. Nowadays, retirements last longer than ever and many Americans...

Your Taxes are Filed… Now What?

Unless you had to file for an extension on your 2017 income tax returns, you’re probably feeling pretty good about yourself that you were able to check “Tax Day” off of your to-do list. However, with the new tax law, known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, it’s important...

Re-Kindle Your Friendships in Retirement

Summer is right around the corner, and for many of you, so is retirement. Often, we say that retirement is like a 30-year summer vacation. Whenever we do, our clients reminisce about the things they loved about being a kid, like having a care-free attitude and the...