3 Alternative Gift Ideas for the Holiday Season Madrona Financial

There are always a few people who are hard to shop for on your list. Sometimes someone just seems to have everything or says they don’t want anything for Christmas this year. Consider these alternative gift ideas this year instead of continuing to fill your house or someone else’s with new objects.

Refurbish Something Old

At a certain point in life, we might not need many new things ā€“ but we probably have some old things that we love that have been worn down over the years. Rather than replacing these possessions, which might have sentimental value, you can refurbish them and present them as gifts. Old instruments, jewelry, and watches are good candidates. Beloved t-shirts can be made into a quilt, and old pictures can be nicely framed and hung. Giving an old possession an upgrade can also be less expensive than replacing it.

Indoor and Outdoor Plants

For gifts that keep on giving, consider a tree, bush, flower garden, or indoor plant. These can enhance the beauty of oneā€™s yard or home and benefit the environment as well. Buying the seeds for or planting a fruit tree or an herb garden for someone can be a gift they can enjoy year-round. You don’t necessarily have to wait to plant a tree because one of the best times to plant is during their dormant stage in early winter.


Rather than slowing down, many near-retirees and retirees are speeding up, taking advantage of their time and wealth to travel and explore interests. And unlike things, experiences donā€™t take up room. But, they can create lifelong memories with loved ones. Concert tickets, museum memberships, a gift certificate to a favorite restaurant, or weekend getaway plans can make for great gifts. If youā€™re considering your desired retirement lifestyle and are looking for a new hobby or new travel ideas, getting an experience as a gift can be a great first step.

At [sc name=”company_name”], we can take your lifestyle goals into account when creating a comprehensive retirement plan. Whether you want to give yourself the gift of an earlier retirement, travel, or you want to create a legacy, we can help you. We offer no-cost, no-obligation financial reviews so that we can meet you to learn more about your retirement goals and concerns. A retirement plan could be the most useful gift you could give yourself this year ā€“ [sc name=”comp_review”] to sign up.