Sometimes we don’t notice change when it’s happening right in front of us. There have been so many advancements in technology and health care in the last few decades that we’ve become numb to innovation.

Technology has made our lives easier and new discoveries in health care have helped us live longer and healthier lives. All of this has not only fundamentally changed the way we live, but our expectations of aging as well.

Think about it. In a pretty short period of time we have gone from envisioning a retirement in a pair Bermuda shorts and shuffleboard to jumpsuits and skydiving. This definitely isn’t your grandfather’s retirement. People are embracing retirement as their second act, a time of vitality and adventure.

While these changes were taking place, there was another change that also impacted people’s retirement and it was in the financial arena. Decades ago, most people had a pension that they relied upon for retirement income. They knew exactly how much money they would have for the rest of their lives.

Today, the pension model has mostly disappeared and has been replaced with a system of self-reliance, meaning that most of us are responsible for the success of our retirement. This new model has replaced some of the certainty of pensions with the possibility of growth that would have been unheard of in decades past. There are also many more choices when it comes to making financial decisions than the old model of bonds.

So with all of the advancements in our health and projected life expectancies, we have to plan for a longer and more active life. This is great news, but comes with the knowledge that we have to be active participants in making sure our financial plan matches our life plan. One of the first places to start is by understanding how long your money will last based on your retirement plan. Living longer is wonderful, running out of money, not so much.

If you’re at or near retirement and have some doubt as to whether your current financial plan will last as long as you will, it’s time to get some help. Start by calling a qualified financial professional. They have the tools to figure out these questions and can help design a retirement plan to achieve your goals.

Many financial professionals offer a complimentary meeting where you can ask questions about the longevity of your plan and discuss the steps to creating a personalized retirement roadmap you can count on. Remember, these are the best years of your life! So go ahead and jump out of that plane with the knowledge that you have a solid retirement plan you can count on with a parachute that will help you land safely.