travel coronavirus

There are more cases of coronavirus reported in the U.S. every day, and the disease is spreading more rapidly around the world. Keep in mind that there are some places where the Center for Disease Control (CDC) warns against traveling to or recommends taking extra precautions when visiting. If youā€™re planning a trip, know these three ways the coronavirus could affect your travel plans.

Canceled Flights

Airlines have been canceling flights more frequently. Theyā€™re anticipating reduced demand and many are waiving typical change and cancellation fees. Delta Air Lines and American Airlines have suspended flights to Milan, Italy through March. Delta has also announced reduced flights to Japan and South Korea. Most airlines have decreased – while some have entirely stopped – service to mainland China.

Reconsider Trips to Europe

There have been thousands of cases in some European countries. President Trump announced a travel ban on travel from most of Europe to the United States for 30 days. This does not include travel from the United Kingdom

Avoid China and South Korea

The CDC has advised Americans to avoid nonessential travel to South Korea, as it did for China back in January. The number of reported cases in China is rapidly growing, and several cities are under quarantine. The coronavirus has also begun spreading in Japan, which currently has a Level 2 travel advisory. This means that the CDC recommends that travelers take increased precautions when there.

If your future plans include traveling to a country or part of the U.S. that has been affected by the coronavirus, you may be reconsidering. If you end up canceling your travel plans, make sure you’re not paying cancellation fees if the airline is waiving them. No one knows when the coronavirus will stop spreading or which countries it will affect in the future. In the meantime, know how the coronavirus could affect your travel plans and how to recognize these five common coronavirus myths.