Retirement is a lot like Winning the Lottery

There are countless stories of entertainers, athletes, and lottery winners who have all lost their fortunes and ended up bankrupt. The list of those people would fill pages, and those are only the oneā€™s we know about. Each one of these people lost millions of dollars, and in many cases enough money to last an average family for generations. When these stories come to light, people often make comments about how that would never happen to them, and that may be true, but there are some things to think carefully about. Your retirement is very similar to winning the lottery in that once you stop working, youā€™ll be entering retirement with a large sum of money sort of like that winning lottery ticket. So, make certain that you know how long it will last, and if it will be enough for you to comfortably enjoy your dream life in retirement.

Itā€™s important to note that there are some common threads between many of the people that went bankrupt, and one of them is that they all suddenly came into large fortunes. Whether they were a struggling actor who got their big break, an athlete who just signed a lucrative contract, or that lottery winner, their financial worlds changed overnight. They found themselves instantly wealthy and were ill-prepared for the responsibilities and decisions that brings.

Imagine how differently their stories would have turned out if they had a little more financial discipline, and the guidance of qualified and trusted financial professional. So, why are we discussing this? The day you retire you will have the most amount of money you have ever had at your disposal. Think about it for a moment, this will be the equivalent of your big contract or lottery ticket. Regardless of whether youā€™ll have millions or hundreds of thousands, it will be a fortune that you accumulated over a lifetime of hard work. Are you prepared to handle this responsibility? Do you have a solid plan in place and know how much you can safely spend each year? Do you have the right team in place to help guide you and help you avoid dangerous situations?

If youā€™re not completely sure about any of those questions, then it might be time we talk. We all have plans for how weā€™re going to live-out and enjoy retirement. If you want to be confident in your ability to live your life without running out of money, then donā€™t wait to sit down with us one-on-one. Click to request your complimentary, no obligation financial review today! Weā€™ve been helping people just like you prepare for retirement with our comprehensive planning process. Weā€™ll cover all aspects of your retirement and help you plan for the years to come. And, it all starts by scheduling a complimentary financial review where we can review your current financial situation and discuss some of the available planning options that may work best for you.

Our mission is to help you plan for a meaningful retirement where you can achieve your goals without taking unnecessary risks. When your retirement day comes itā€™s okay to celebrate. But, just make sure you have a solid plan in place and the right team by your side to avoid the mistakes of managing your own big fortune.