
The other day I heard an ad asking, ā€œwhatā€™s your number?ā€ The ad was for a well-known mattress manufacturer who uses air to adjust the comfort level of their beds. While this product has been around for years, it made me think about how numbers control so much in our lives. Numbers are always with us, even when we go to the doctor. It doesnā€™t matter if youā€™re getting your blood sugar checked, cholesterol, or blood pressure taken; you want the right number to tell you everythingā€™s okay. Having the wrong number starts a whole chain of undesirable events and potential treatment plans to get you back to the right number.

The economy is measured frequently by numbers and judged accordingly. Some of these numbers like Gross Domestic Product or unemployment rates can have major impacts. What are deemed to be favorable numbers usually send the stock markets soaring, while negative numbers tend to cause market declines.

Numbers also play a major role in almost every aspect of financial planning. While we deal with some fixed numbers, itā€™s the variable ones that can be the most tricky to plan for. For instance, some of the unknown variable numbers are things like how long weā€™ll live, what health care costs will be, the cost of goods in the future, and what the financial markets will look like 20 and 30 years from now.

All of those variables pose a challenge in the planning process for what would have otherwise been a pretty simple math problem. Putting all of those elements together to provide you financial independence for the rest of your life has to be the goal of any solid retirement plan. This process takes experience, it takes careful planning, and most of all it takes listening. By listening to our clients we can prioritize whatā€™s most important to them and use that information as the foundation for the plans we build.

Everyone we meet with has different needs and we pride ourselves on our ability to deliver customized plans that our clients can count on to help them achieve their goals. It all starts with a conversation, and thereā€™s no better way to do that than by Clicking HERE to request your complimentary, no obligation financial review.

Weā€™ll take the time to understand whatā€™s most important to you and the goals you have for retirement. After that, we can start the process of designing a plan to help you achieve those goals while providing you with financial independence. So remember, if you take control of the numbers in your life, chances are youā€™ll be happier with the outcome.