
Fall is here and itā€™s one of my favorite seasons to be outdoors. The leaves put on a show as they change their colors and the brisk fall air feels invigorating. While Iā€™m always a little sad to say goodbye to summer, fall is the kickoff to many of my favorite things. Since Iā€™ve already used the word ā€œkickoffā€, you can guess football was on my mind. Now is the time of year to fall back into your retirement planning process to help make sure youā€™re on-track to achieve your retirement goals.

Fall also tells me itā€™s time to start counting down the days to Thanksgiving. And, all of the stores are stocked with this yearā€™s fresh fall items for your consideration. Whether itā€™s clothes, supermarkets, or home improvement stores, you can see the change the moment you walk in the door. Itā€™s a good thing too because just like clockwork, the temperature starts to drop reminding us all to get prepared.

So while all of these fall changes are occurring in the external universe around you, there are things you can do to be prepared as well. A good place to start is with your finances and overall financial planning. Hereā€™s a quick laundry list of 10-things to check on:

  • The holdings in your portfolio

  • Your exposure to market risk

  • Is your retirement plan on track?

  • Do you have enough income planned for the rest of your life?

  • Do you have a distribution and withdrawal strategy?

  • Do you have a tax-smart investment strategy?

  • Have you updated your beneficiary forms with any life changes?

  • Is your life insurance up to date?

  • Do you have long term care insurance?

  • And finally, when was the last time you had a financial review?

This might sound like a lot of things to review, but itā€™s just some of what we cover during our meetings. Itā€™s the reason so many people take advantage of our complimentary, no obligation financial reviews. Weā€™ll also discuss the goals you have for retirement and how we might be able to help you achieve them. Click HERE to learn more about us and to schedule your appointment online.

So be sure to make reviewing your portfolio part of your new fall ritual. Youā€™ll enjoy the change of seasons that much more knowing youā€™re well-prepared for whatā€™s to come.