
Watching the Olympics, I couldnā€™t help but marvel at the sheer talent and ability of the best athletes in the world. You canā€™t help but have a whole new level of appreciation for them when you think about the commitment and dedication it takes to become an Olympic athlete. What if we took the mindset of an Olympic athlete and applied it to retirement planning? Imagine the outcomes we would achieve in retirement if we prepared to retire like an Olympian.

Letā€™s start with perhaps the most important decision a world-class athlete makes, selecting their coach. More than anything else, outside of the athleteā€™s personal contribution, the coach plays a vital role in the overall outcome. The coach designs training regimens and constantly searches for the newest and best techniques for the purpose of continual improvement. There are many people planning for retirement that donā€™t even seek the help of a financial coach. Can you imagine an Olympic athlete without a coach? It just doesnā€™t happen.

Now that we understand the importance of having a coach, letā€™s discuss how to choose one. An Olympianā€™s selection criteria are probably pretty close to what you would look for in a financial coach. Someone who is an expert in their field, has good communication skills, and is trustworthy. Having good communication with your coach is key and paves the way for a trusting relationship to develop. You also want to make sure your financial coach specializes in retirement planning and understands the nuances of creating life-long income streams. Do what an Olympic athlete would do when looking for the right coach by interviewing them until you find the right fit.

Finally, every Olympian knows that their success ultimately depends on their dedication and level of commitment. They understand the importance of not being their own worst enemy when it comes to their diet and training habits. The same thing applies to proper financial planning, as you have to be disciplined on your spending and saving habits. Understanding your retirement options is an important aspect to being disciplined in your retirement planning. Click Here to enroll in Madrona University, a free educational course available to anyone who wants to learn more about preparing for road ahead.

The fact that youā€™re reading this tells me that you have the desire to plan a successful retirement, and those are the types of people we enjoy working with the most. Weā€™ll take the time to understand your retirement goals and create a plan to help you achieve them.

So, if you want to reach for the gold in retirement, start thinking like an Olympian and be committed to achieving your goals.