retirees-bikeLast week was the 120th running of the Boston Marathon, the oldest annual marathon in the world. The marathon averages 30-thousand entrants and attracts elite runners from all over the world.

Running 26.2 miles is no small feat. Itā€™s not like you can wake up one day and just run a marathon without any prior training. The people I know that run marathons have an extended training regimen that starts months in advance. In addition, they must carefully select the proper gear to give them the most comfort and performance. Perhaps the most important aspect of the pre-marathon preparation is eating right. You need to stay hydrated and eat a proper meal that will provide you with long-lasting energy without making you feel weighed down.

With 10,000 people retiring every day, we could fill a Boston Marathon every three days for about the next twenty years. Unfortunately, research shows that too many of these people are not sufficiently prepared for life in retirement and we could learn a lot from the careful preparation habits of marathon runners.

Planning for retirement is like planning for a marathon because you donā€™t tackle everything in one day, you build up to it. There are many decisions to be made and setting personal goals is a great place to start. Planning and preparation are at the core of having a successful outcome in retirement.

If all of the choices youā€™re facing have you feeling a little overwhelmed, maybe itā€™s time to visit with a financial professional. We understand that retirement is a marathon, not a sprint, so we make sure youā€™re properly prepared for the future. And getting started just became a little easier because we offer complimentary, no obligation financial reviews. This is your chance to get questions answered, and our opportunity to find out about whatā€™s most important to you so we can create a custom retirement plan that achieves your personal goals.

So even if you never plan on running a marathon, you can still get that feeling of accomplishment by planning for a successful retirement.