
One of my favorite old phrases, ā€œCarpe Diemā€ re-surfaced again and boy was I delighted. The Latin phrase, which translates to ā€œSeize the Dayā€ has always inspired me to set new goals and strive to do something meaningful. Itā€™s easy to fall into a routine and not stretch beyond your comfort zone. However, when I hear Carpe Diem, I canā€™t help but feel inspired to make something happen.

When I looked up the definition of ā€œCarpe Diemā€ in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, it stated the definition as: ā€œthe enjoyment of the pleasures of the moment without concern for the future.ā€ Since my life revolves around planning for the future, I decided to add a little something to one of my favorite phrases. From now on Iā€™ll refer to it as, ā€œCarpe Diem and The Futureā€ to reflect the importance of thinking beyond today.

Seizing the day while also planning for the future is the perfect way to approach retirement planning. Youā€™ve worked too hard and for too long to leave anything to chance. Thatā€™s why having a solid retirement plan is a must. Planning for retirement is a major undertaking and getting it right is crucial as youā€™ll no longer be receiving a paycheck. Some of the items to consider are: income, expenses, principal growth and security, cash flow, longevity of funds, future health care needs, taxes, distributions, and legacy planning.

Thatā€™s why we offer a complimentary, no obligation meeting where we can work through the intricacies of creating a retirement plan you can count on. During these meetings, weā€™ll discuss your goals and expectations for retirement. We believe the first step in creating a successful retirement plan is to understand whatā€™s most important to you. Remember, this is your only retirement, so if you want to seize the day, then be sure to also plan for the future.