
Can you believe itā€™s time again to spring forward and move our clocks, watches and everything else one hour ahead? Truth be told, I always look forward to this time of year when the days get longer and the weather starts to get warmer. The longer days ahead hold the promise of both travel and adventure.

Before I start exploring a new destination across the globe, thereā€™s a growing list of projects that need to get done around the house, first. Iā€™m actually kind of looking forward to getting back outside and working on the yard again. For some reason, my list of household related projects seems to grow larger every day. I create a project list and use that as my plan to keep me organized. Without it, my list of accomplishments would be much smaller. There might be a few items that wonā€™t get completed this season, but thatā€™s only because I prioritize the projects in order importance.

Experience has also taught me to know my limits when it comes to tackling home projects. There may have been a few times when one of my do-it-yourself projects ended up costing me a whole bunch more money, not to mention the extra time and aggravation. Iā€™ve also learned that in certain circumstances, even if I know how to do something, it might be a better idea to hire it out and save myself from unnecessary grief.

There are many areas in our lives where planning and prioritization helps us to reach our goals. In fact, itā€™s no coincidence that the word ā€œplanningā€ is almost always attached to the word ā€œretirementā€ because they go hand-in-hand. Setting priorities is also a very important part of the retirement planning process. Figuring out whatā€™s most important to you is a major step towards creating a plan that can help you achieve your retirement goals.

Planning for retirement can get pretty technical as there are many options to consider. Knowing your personal goals and limitations can help save you from making costly mistakes. Thatā€™s why if you have questions about retirement planning, you should seek the help of a qualified financial professional. Itā€™s easy and risk free because we offer complimentary, no obligation financial reviews to discuss your personal situation and understand your retirement goals.

Even if you already have a plan in place, itā€™s never a bad idea to get a second opinion. We offer complimentary, no obligation second opinion reviews where you can find out if your current plan is missing any key elements of proper retirement planning. So as you adjust the clocks ahead, make sure to leave some time in the day to plan for your retirement.