
The progress of innovation and technology is amazing. In so many ways itā€™s making our lives easier and more convenient. But there are certain areas of our lives that it canā€™t replace, namely human interaction. When it comes to things that are vitally important like healthcare or finance, I want to talk to a human being. Not just any human being, but the person who can help me, the person with the experience and expertise for the issues I need help with.

Sure, technology has its place and I donā€™t mind scheduling an appointment or looking up a statement online. In fact, those types of interaction can be more convenient. What Iā€™m talking about are the questions and professional opinions accumulated over a lifetime. When it comes to planning for retirement and addressing your concerns on issues like making sure your money lasts or plans to take care of your loved ones, an automated device or robo-advisor just wonā€™t do.

Proper planning for retirement isnā€™t about making cheap stock trades, and getting pre-programmed answers based on a computer algorithm. Itā€™s about working with a qualified professional who understands your personal situation and uses all of their tools and expertise to help you achieve your retirement goals.

Most of all, itā€™s about a trusting personal relationship built over time. One where you know your best interest are put first, and your loved ones will have guidance down the road.

Nothing will replace human interaction, so take advantage of a no obligation, complimentary financial review where we can meet face-to face. Youā€™ll get to ask questions about your financial future while we get to know each other. We can schedule appointments on our smartphone, but letā€™s save the serious stuff for an honest-to-goodness, real live conversation.