Do you remember that saying, ā€œthe only constant is change?ā€ Well, it could use some updating. If I were to make an adjustment to that saying, it would go something like this: The only constant is that change will happen faster and faster.ā€ Itā€™s amazing how fast the world changes on a daily basis, but that wasnā€™t the case not too long ago. We were an industrial-based economy where progress was measured in years, not days. For a long period of time things stayed pretty stagnant. Sure we had automobiles, radio, telephones, and television, but that was pretty much it when it came to major innovations for the public. Back then the slow pace of new inventions made it was much easier for people to keep up.

As we transitioned into a technology-based society everything started to change. Innovation emerged on all fronts, from how we communicated to how we cooked food. Fax machines and microwave ovens were accessible to the public and hooked us on our dependency for speed and convenience. Fast-forward to today and itā€™s almost impossible to keep up with the speed of innovation. We live in a creative world where almost anyone with an idea can find a path to bring their idea to life.
So, what does all this mean to you? It means thereā€™s an overwhelming amount of new information and choices being generated almost daily. Itā€™s wonderful, exciting and great, but also daunting. The changes swirling around us arenā€™t just about gadgets. Theyā€™re also about finance, health care, taxes, politics, and a whole lot more. Planning for retirement has never been so daunting. The plethora of choices has also created more decision-making. And unless you thoroughly understand all of the new choices available, you may not be selecting the most appropriate financial products to help you achieve your goals. There may be no better reason to visit with a qualified financial professional than to stay on top of the avalanche of new information that may impact your retirement plans. Think about how many things change even during the course of a year. If your retirement plan was created before then, it may be time for a check-up.
Take a proactive approach and arm yourself with the very latest tools and information by meeting with a financial professional. Itā€™s easy and free because many financial professionals offer complimentary, no-obligation financial reviews. This is the perfect time to ask questions and learn about changes and new products that may be a better fit for your goals. You may find that one of the biggest benefits of working with a financial professional is having someone on your team who keeps up with all of the financial changes that matter most to you. Change isnā€™t a bad thing, especially if youā€™re prepared for it.