
Your financial plan focuses not only on the resources available to you during your lifetime, but also involves what you leave for future generations. We use the term ā€œlegacy planningā€ to encompass both generational transfer and planned charitable giving.

Youā€™ve worked your entire life to support your family and deserve the peace of mind that a comprehensive estate plan can give you. A good place to start making sure your family receives the maximum benefit from your estate is requesting your free copy of The Madrona Life and Legacy Planner. This free-for-the-asking resource is designed to assist you in developing lifetime goals, both personal and financial, and building your legacy so that your loved ones can navigate your estate with clarity once you are unable to do so.

This guide will bring order to your affairs by helping you:

  • Consolidate your important documents
  • Name who will handle your affairs
  • Designate who receives your real estate and valuable items
  • Consolidate and provide inventory of your investment accounts
  • Express your last wishes

Estate plans need to be designed and executed with a high level of attention to detail in order to minimize related taxes for your family and heirs, allow your assets to pass on outside of probate court and make sure your final wishes are carried out exactly as planned. Even small mistakes can prove to be very expensive and invalidate legal documents.19

19Seek counsel from an estate planning attorney.