As we get into the thick of the presidential primaries, itā€™s easy to get caught up in whatā€™s wrong with the world. It seems as though in every election cycle I can remember, they underscore that itā€™s ā€œthe most important election of our lifetime.ā€ Thereā€™s no doubt that we have our problems, but so does every country and every family, and this is a very important election as they all are. But letā€™s not forget about what this process is all about: choice and transparency. These are the cardinal virtues that make our country and our lives great. There will always be things to knock and nothing will ever be perfect, but the fact that we can see pretty clearly behind the curtain and have a say in the outcome is truly awesome. The decision that we make individually and collectively will have consequences. And whenever I have to make a big decision I always consider: ā€œWhatā€™s the best that can happen and whatā€™s the worst that can happen?”

Just as the decision we make in the upcoming election will affect our lives and potentially the lives of generations beyond us, so do the decisions we make in financial planning. And just like our form of government, choice and transparency are at the core. You do have choices to make in financial planning, choices like when you want to retire, how youā€™d like to plan for retirement, whether you want to be more conservative or riskier, the retirement strategies you adopt and the professionals you choose to guide you. Those are enormous decisions! Do you take the appropriate amount of time for the vetting process? Do you break down each element and weigh whether it is consistent with your overall plan? Do you break each element down and consider: Whatā€™s the best that can happen and whatā€™s the worst that can happen?ā€

Our team of professionals can help you chose an appropriate path from a strategic standpoint and weā€™ll be happy to help you choose how to pick an appropriate professional to guide you in financial planning. Weā€™d love that team to be us, but weā€™ve been doing this long enough to know that everyone is a winner with honest, agnostic advice. Also, like our form of governmental process (or how we hope it is), transparency is critical when it comes to financial planning. Is your advisor completely transparent, and are the funds within your plan transparent? Oftentimes small print on financial products could make these lines blurry. Our job is much easier and more effective when you see behind the curtain. Itā€™s your money and your future.

So at the end of the day, letā€™s take a moment to not look at the rancor that exists among the primaries but the beauty of the American process. The fact that we have a choice and live in a largely transparent place is a powerful thing to have in our lives. Letā€™s consider the power of choice and the benefit of transparency when it comes to our financial life, too.